Sunday, October 14, 2007


I got bored. So I went outside the house for fresh air and looked around. I took my camera and saw...

My pair of havannas* slippers.

*Or would it be much better if it was called havaiavas?!... AHAHAHAHAHA!

Monday, September 24, 2007


I love cats. Aside from their being sweet and cute creatures, I like their lifestyle: free (to run around and do whatever they want), neat (they take a "bath" everyday), and always ready for defenses (like they always land on their paws). Cats also have lots of naps...that's one thing I'm going to do for sure if I'm a cat.

Although we had a lot of cats, it's sad that only few of them are loyal. Well they say that nobody can really be a master a cat, but I think they're wrong. We have a some loyal cats. One of them is Poypoy. This is Poypoy. He can really understand you when you want him to sit next to you. Though sometimes he gives me that don't-bother-me look, he's always there (well not 24/7 because he loves to hunt i mean he never run away). He knows when his master is calling and answers with a "meow".

One thing about cats I find weird is that, I never saw a cat die because of old age. I mean when they are old and dying, they're just... gone... Maybe they don't want people to see them die? Maybe they pick a place to die so they can leave humans thinking they have nine lives? I don't know. But whatever the reason, it's ok. I don't want to see a pet die anyway. It might be better to just think they're in a better place.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

somebody you love or somebody who loves you?

i remember a question asked by a friend: which one would you choose, somebody you love or somebody who loves you?

it made me think for a while, then i refuse to answer. i would really like to say that i would, of course, choose the one i love. But then it would also be a slap on my face...because i know that person would choose the one he loves, not the one who loves him. And I am not the person he loves. [sniff]


Despite all my "poise", I have a lousy, crazy personality. And I am writing them here so I can sort out them all out. I am an emotional being. I hate to cry, so I "make movies" in my head to shoo all the pain and negative emotions. But instead of wandering to dreamland, I think it is better to identify my emotions and think about how I should deal with them. Even if dreams are better than reality.
Morologia is a Greek word for "foolish talking". Letting your emotions rein you is foolishness. For me, this could be a ground for something better... and that would be a search for wisdom. Am I making sense???